
Soenda indoor – ADE re-cap

So its been a while since my last update…

But that doesn’t mean we’re not making progress!


After ADE we got in a really busy time with Hardersplaza. Worked my ass off during Halloween and after that we had some problems with our digital audio network so we we’re in a bit of stress, but never the less we fixed it all!


ADE was amazing, met some really nice people and had a lot of fun! you can find some of the pictures in the gallery section. Armin van Buuren’s set was the vocal point of my whole ADE experience and his one hour set seemed to last for only 5 minutes!


But last night was amazing too! Soenda indoor – Central studio’s Utrecht with Laserdream

We had a 6x 4 watt laser setup at different heights.

You can find the pictures here


Next up: Chateau Techno – La Fabrique!


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